Monday, October 19, 2009

Blake's hidden talent

I thought I would blog for a moment on what a sweet husband and father Blake is. He likes to try to get Gracie to sleep...bless him! He knows it stresses me out! So tonight I really felt like she needed a good nap and he was laying on the couch with her on his chest singing to her. I say singing....but he has a special singing voice just for Gracie and she LOVES it! It is way too loud for me and I can't imagine it being peaceful or helpful going to sleep. But Gracie quiets down. Tonight he did a free-style reggae song. Let me see if I remember some of the words.
"Let's go afishin in the river. Let's go a fishin in the sea. Let's go afishing in the lakes. Who want to go a fishin with me?"
Then he sang a song asking Gracie to please go to sleep on her daddy. Some of it was sweet. Some of it was silly.

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