Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Illnesses and Boob Milk

On the bright side (I like to start with the bright side) I got to spend 4 days of bliss with my Gracie girl. We were attached all weekend, except for maybe 2 trips to the store for an hour each. On the down side, I was sick as a dog and Gracie wasn't feeling 100% either.
This was my second time with Mastitis, a breast infection. It is one of the worst illnesses I have encountered in my 27 years. It hits you all of a sudden like a ton of bricks. You feel like you have the flu, fever, chills, achiness all over, fatigue, and your boobs are tender and feel like they are on fire. And you still have to breastfeed as usual to keep it from getting worse.
I called my doctor Friday morning even though it really hit me on Thursday. They called in a RX and I started to feel better around Saturday. My parents, GOD BLESS THEM, came up on Friday night to help me with Gracie while everyone else was working on Saturday. Mom stayed in my room and gave Blake the couch. (He was thrilled to sleep in a room without a baby!) She got up with Gracie and me. I would feed and then mom would rock her to sleep. It was a real blessing.
Gracie was running a low-grade fever most of the weekend but was a perfect angel! She was never fussy...just a little sleepy. She didn;t want to eat much which was unfortunate because I needed to drain my milk.
This is all caused because of breastfeeding. Apparently I had too much milk and clogged some ducts. I gave quitting alot of thought over the weekend but really don't think I will yet. It takes up so much time! And I don't have an easy schedule down yet. If people want to go out to eat, they have to wait for her to finish eatting. Timing is a problem and I am tethered to a pump or child every 3 hours. However, I want to do this. I do believe the milk is the best for her. I know that she loves being that close to me.
I also feel guily for going back to work when she was only 2 weeks old. I somehow think that by breastfeeding I am doing my part for her well-being while I'm at work. Like it makes me a better mom or something.I will take it one day at a time and follow my heart. But I will probably post more about my experiences on here. If you are uncomfortable reading about boobs, Reader Beware.

1 comment:

  1. Girl, I know what you mean about the guilt! I felt so guilty when I decided to quit nursing and just pump; I cried the entire day! But you really just have to do what is best for you. Even though Kaitlin was only getting about 1/3 breastmilk once I started pumping, it really was the best decision for our family. I was finally able to get more sleep which helped my body heal from a bladder infection and I wasn't depressed all the time. A happy mommy is best for everyone!
